"say no to the god who is me" Jess Bousa
I continue to be impressed at how this dare speaks to me after 30 years as a follower of Jesus. The theme of self-denial can get lost in our consumeristic and tech savvy culture, and when we have been Christians for a long time we can start to feel a sense of entitlement- as if our period of self-denial is a phase we have gotten over. Self- denial is not just for starters!
If we are to finish the journey well we should travel light. Removing items from our baggage can be painful, but will make the trip better and ensure our safe arrival.
Jess says that "the way you understand Jesus' call will be the way you live it out." This is why we should be patient with each other. Not everyone has my view of what following Jesus means. Those in a more traditional church culture may have been taught quite differently what discipleship is. What great fodder for dialogue as we make the scriptures our standard.
"Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow Me and I'll show you how." Mark 8:34 Message
I continue to be impressed at how this dare speaks to me after 30 years as a follower of Jesus. The theme of self-denial can get lost in our consumeristic and tech savvy culture, and when we have been Christians for a long time we can start to feel a sense of entitlement- as if our period of self-denial is a phase we have gotten over. Self- denial is not just for starters!
If we are to finish the journey well we should travel light. Removing items from our baggage can be painful, but will make the trip better and ensure our safe arrival.
Jess says that "the way you understand Jesus' call will be the way you live it out." This is why we should be patient with each other. Not everyone has my view of what following Jesus means. Those in a more traditional church culture may have been taught quite differently what discipleship is. What great fodder for dialogue as we make the scriptures our standard.
"Anyone who intends to come with me has to let me lead. You're not in the driver's seat; I am. Don't run from suffering; embrace it. Follow Me and I'll show you how." Mark 8:34 Message
I'm so glad you decided to do this.
I will be following it daily.
I got wishy washy like the Marine and never felt so empty. I want to get in tip top shape better than I ever have been. thank you.
alma k.
That makes this worth it!
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