"The righteousness of God is counter-cultural", Jess Bousa says in todays Dare entry. If that is true, and of course it is, then the church has to be much less concerned with blending with culture and much more concerned with redeeming culture.
Hating what God hates is important, but only when led by the love of what is good as rooted in a God-relationship. Sometimes we become narrowly focused on condemning the mere acts of evil we see in society, and lose the very heart of God. We can alienate those we long to reach with the good news by a self-righteous attitude and by using a flamethrower on the "enemies of God".
We are called to hunger and thirst for righteousness. That means wanting God to set all things right. We should participate in what God is doing to set the world right. That means having right relationships, insomuch as it is in our power, recognizing that some things are beyond our control. We should jump in with both feet, but leave the heavy lifting to the KING!
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